Scampi /Jumbo Prawn /Golda Chingri ( 25 to 30 Pieces Per Kg ) Price Per Kg On Gross Weight

“Golda Chingri/ Large Size Prawns” are the King among Prawn family. “Chingri (Prawn) Malai Curry and Sorshe Narkel Chingri” are the most popular and traditional dishes in Eastern Part of our country is made of Golda Chingri/ Large Size Prawns. Prawns are the rich sources of calcium, potassium, vitamin A/ E/ B12/ B6, iron etc which helps in improves immune. Further helps in boosting the production of red blood cells. A diet high in protein helps with weight loss and weight management. Source: We source it from Sundarban Delta.
Per 250 gm

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